2018-2021 Strategic Plan

Position St. Clare School for a strong and stable future
  • Grow enrollment with strategic approach to recruitment and retention (Priority 1).
  • Provide transparent and stable funding stream to sustain and expand programming.
  • Improve Parent Experience: Streamline communication and “asks” of parent community for dollars and time.
Strengthen the connection between St. Clare School and St. Clare Parish Community
  • Partner with Preschool leadership to capitalize on strength of existing outcomes and cultures in both programs.
  • Partner with Parish leadership to increase awareness of School Ministry and student participation at weekly Saturday and Sunday masses.
Ensure access to Catholic education for all interested families
  • Maintain endowment through increased parish and community giving.
  • Provide education on the benefits of donation matches to parish and school community.
Teach and live Gospel values
  • Promote the development of a relationship with Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to students and school families.
  • Promote and develop positive communication and interactions among students (Priority 1).
  • Expand “All Are Welcome” messaging into a Strategic Inclusion plan that invites non-Catholic and underrepresented families to share and celebrate the power of God’s love.
  • Be Christ-like to others: Offer integrated service experiences to entire St. Clare Community.
Support students to live and work in a constantly changing world
  • Expand current STEM curriculum offering at St. Clare as a strategic differentiator (Priority 1).
  • Upgrade existing classroom to modernized science learning space to support STEM curriculum.
Ensure that our teachers, principal, staff and families have the resource they need to engage students
  • Ongoing funding of the Professional Development Fund for faculty.
  • Parent community is offered and uses education resources.
Strive for excellence by meeting the academic needs of diverse learners focusing on students needing extra support and students needing additional challenges
  • Align Learning Specialist Resources offerings to meet demand (Priority 1).
  • Support teachers with professional development in this area.
Encourage healthy habits
  • Support Healthy Eating Committee in driving nutritional improvements at St. Clare school.
Provide learning spaces required for healthy development
Improve facilities to drive strategic goals with targeted investments
  • Improve the building through necessary improvements and repairs as needed.
Achieve nationally recognized standards in school-based emergency preparedness
  • Partner with Parish and Preschool to formalize Emergency Preparedness Initiative with work plan and goals.
  • Increase preparedness partnerships within SW Portland community.